Sunday 3/2/1970 : SPRING TRAINING NEWS: Greg Maddux has good pitching sessions! Greg Maddux has lost some throwing velocity. Henry Rodriguez displays more power in batting practice! Henry Rodriguez showed good strike zone judgement! Bill Pecota has good batting practice sessions! Bill Pecota displayed poor strike zone judgement! Red Badgro displays more power in batting practice! Red Badgro displayed poor strike zone judgement! Malachi Kittridge has good batting practice sessions! Keith Williams displays more power in batting practice! Keith Williams showed good strike zone judgement! Hideki Irabu has good pitching sessions! Hideki Irabu has lost some throwing velocity. Early Wynn has lost some throwing velocity. Flea Clifton displayed poor strike zone judgement! Steve Evans displayed poor strike zone judgement! Jack Creel has lost some throwing velocity. Mike Morgan has good pitching sessions! Bill Dinneen has good pitching sessions!
Monday 4/13/1970 : Bill Pecota increases his talent in taking walks! Bill Pecota increases his talent in avoiding strikeouts!
Monday 4/20/1970 : Ray Mueller stealing ability drops to E ...
Monday 5/4/1970 : Sandy Koufax's talent in avoiding doubles drops...
Monday 5/11/1970 : Keith Williams increases his talent in taking walks! Bill Dinneen's talent in avoiding hits drops...
Monday 5/25/1970 : Sandy Koufax's talent in getting strikeouts drops...
Monday 6/15/1970 : Sandy Koufax's talent in avoiding hits drops...
Monday 7/20/1970 : Malachi Kittridge increases his talent in taking walks! Malachi Kittridge increases his talent in avoiding strikeouts!
Monday 8/3/1970 : Sandy Koufax's talent in avoiding homers drops...
Monday 8/10/1970 : Dick Mills duration raises to A ... Sandy Koufax's talent in getting strikeouts drops... Bill Dinneen duration drops to B ... Bill Dinneen range at P drops to D ...
Monday 8/24/1970 : Sandy Koufax's talent in avoiding doubles drops... Bill Dinneen's talent in avoiding doubles drops...
Monday 9/14/1970 : Sandy Koufax's talent in avoiding walks drops... Bill Dinneen's talent in avoiding walks drops...
Monday 9/21/1970 : Hack Miller range at LF drops to D ... Sandy Koufax duration drops to E ... Sandy Koufax range at P drops to D ...
Monday 10/26/1970 : Malachi Kittridge range at C increases to B ! Flea Clifton increases his talent in hitting for average! Flea Clifton increases his talent in hitting homers! Flea Clifton increases his talent in taking walks!